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lolerg #2

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Posts : 2

PostPurpleX Fri Sep 30, 2016 8:38 pm

[size=31]. PB2 Profile Link:

2. Kills Count: 489

3. Kill/Death Ratio:  0.65

4. Level Developer Rank:  0

5. Predicted Player Points Amount: 0.67

6. Total Time Playing Plazma Burst 2: 1 year 1month

7. All Alternate Accounts (with profile links):  No i think there is but i dont remeber Sad

8. Are you in a clan?  yes

9. List all past clans and reasons for leaving them:  no clans joined only CrAzY clan geno denied and tis ;-;

10. Why are you applying for YRN?  i am a good sniper

11. How can you benefit YRN?  i can benefit YrN by being a teacher?

12. What YRN Members do you know?  Juan  

13. Who invited you?  no one rip

14. Most frequently played server and average ping:  ping : 80-90 Server : USA California / any sniper map that is good enough for me.

15. How active will you be on Discord, YRN forums, and PB2?  pretty much 2 days in a row.

16. What are your skills within PB2?  Sniping, shotgunning (not a word) flipping 

17. Country of Residence:  NYC ,USA

18. Field of Application:  idk what means

19. Do you understand the recruitment process?  yes.?

20. Total number of Requirements met:  1 or 2

21. Extra comments:Nope[/size]
Posts : 229

PostCaptainSolo Fri Sep 30, 2016 11:16 pm

Weak application. 
Your benefits don't help us, your reason for applying is weak too. 
This application will be denied, because you failed to wait your days before applying again, you didn't write in what field of application you are applying, you still have Crazy tag. 

Application denied, 
you still have Crazy tag, you didn't write in what field of application you are applying.
Better write the template and the process better. 
Feel free to reapply after 7 days.

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