Young Rich Nation
Young Rich Nation
Young Rich Nation
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Nezerth #10

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Posts : 13

Postandyday11 Sun Nov 06, 2016 5:46 pm

[size=68]1. PB2 Profile Link: 

2. Kills Count: 

3. Kill/Death Ratio: 

4. Level Developer Rank: 

5. Predicted Player Points Amount: 

6. Total Time Playing Plazma Burst 2: 

7. All Alternate Accounts (with profile links): 

8. Are you in a clan?

9. List all past clans and reasons for leaving them: 

10. Why are you applying for YRN?

11. How can you benefit YRN?

12. What YRN Members do you know?

13. In your opinion what makes YrN different/better from other clans?

14. Most frequently played server and average ping: 

15. How active will you be on Discord, YRN forums, and PB2?  

16. What are your skills within PB2?

17. Describe what kind of person you are:

18. Which do you value the most or both (Skill) , (Attitude) , (Skill and Attitude)?

19. Country of Residence: 

20. Field of Application: 

21. Do you understand the recruitment process?

22. Total number of Requirements met:

23.By the power vested in you , do you agree to take this oath seriously by being loyal to YrN , contributing as much as possible instead of just wearing the tag or doing nothing to improve or take the clan to another level and serving YrN well at the same time inspiring others to apply as well as obeying your fellow prestige members , Council and the leader. You also agree to respect all your clanmates regardless of what position/who they are, you also must not leave YrN for any other clan this is a big offense in YrN it can almost get you banned from the clan , Do you think be honest with us 100% and follow all rules no matter where , if you break the oath we  have all rights to kick you  from YrN , Do you agree to take on this and accept the terms of the of the oath?

24. Extra comments:[/size]
Posts : 110

PostSuperFrank1004 Sun Nov 06, 2016 6:30 pm

Decline. This application sucks... you didn't even answer the damn questions and you didn't even get recruited so please stop being a complete fool and take off the YRN tag of your name because you haven't been accepted. OLOLLOLOL
Red X
Red X
Supreme Leader
Posts : 514

PostRed X Sun Nov 06, 2016 6:31 pm

Great app 

Application Denied

Reapply in 10 days for double application.
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